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Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday: Bible Thumper's Anonymous?

I was skimming the pages of Cosmo recently, and saw something that struck a cord.  Crosses.  They were scattered all over the page.  Some were in the form of major bling, some were bedazzled, some were small and some were large.  They were on the page obviously as a fashionable item. But it occurred to me that what the cross stands for is not considered so fashionable.
What is this twisted image our culture has?  The rappers wear crosses bigger than their heads and then they sing about murder and sex and drugs.  Rockers are not excluded from that.  Neither are Christians, by the way (we are all sinful beings and none of us is perfect).  But what I am getting at is the cultural delusion.  We see people wearing crosses as fashion statements with no idea as to what the cross symbolizes, and then people who carry their bibles with them are made fun of or are thought of as bible thumpers, etc.  Um hello, crosses and bibles stand for the same thing.

What is up with that? Why are "bible thumpers" so uncool? Jesus was uncool too by the way. He was in no way fashionable.  The bible tells us that he looked lowly.  There was nothing attractive about him.  I am not saying that being Christian should be cool, I am just saying that this ignorance has got to go.  You cannot wear a cross and then consider someone who loves Jesus a "loser" or what have you. 

So where did this come from? When and how did crosses become a cool, edgy, fashionable thing to wear? What is going to happen if this trend continues? Will the cross lose it's meaning to society altogether? The way it was laid out on the page of Cosmo leads me to think so.  It leads me to think that people who do not even believe in Jesus will begin to wear crosses because they look good.

Well I am going to stop rambling and hope that what I said above makes sense.  I'd like to hear some other people's thoughts too...


xoxo Cori

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